Episode 1

‘Bola, aren’t you attending Titi’s birthday party again?’ Her mother asked. Mrs. George had an early work meeting and was amazed to see her 20-year-old daughter dressed in her regular green top and white jacket, watching TV. If there was anything Bola enjoyed, it was dressing up and spending time with her friends. Mrs George was sure her daughter did not inherit that from her.

‘I am not sure. She hasn’t been speaking to me, so I am unsure she wants me there.’  Bola said with a frown.

‘Isn’t she your best friend? What do you mean she is not speaking to you?’ She came to sit close to her daughter.

‘She has been giving me the silent treatment for three days now, and I can’t stand it. I already asked her if she was okay, and she said she was fine. But she is not fine. One would have thought that after six years of friendship, she would trust me enough to let me in on whatever the issue might be.’ Bola George was genuinely upset. For someone who had a cheerful nature, she appreciated when her positive energy was reciprocated. Titi, on the other hand, was more reserved. However, these past few days were different, even for her reserved nature.

Mrs George smiled and held her daughter’s hand, then she grabbed her nose suddenly and playfully tugged at it, something she did whenever she wanted to cheer her up, also because she knew her daughter enjoyed it, even if her response showed the opposite.

‘Relationships generally can be difficult. Friendship included. You must display a certain level of intelligence and emotional maturity to maintain one, especially if it’s important to you. Titi is one of the most important people to you. I have seen her sacrifice to make you happy, and I have seen you do the same for her. I am sure this is not the first time; she is having a ‘mood swing’, let’s call it that. Why are you particularly upset about this one-‘

‘I am not upset that she has a mood swing; I am upset that she is not telling me why she has the mood swing.’

‘So, your best approach is not to attend her birthday party? A party you both have been planning. Weren’t you the one who came up with the theme?’

‘I don’t want to go; she won’t speak to me. I can’t handle it. I am hurt that she doesn’t see me that way after everything. Besides, I doubt she wants me around.’

‘Adebola! Mrs George only called her full name when she was serious. ‘Did Titi tell you categorically that she doesn’t want you at her party? Or are you just assuming as usual?’

Bola hated it when her mum was right. But she was determined to prove a point.

To be continued…


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    Tobi Martins Reply

    Assumptions, the lowest level of knowledge .
    Why didn’t she send a message to Titi to ask why she has been off the radar?

    I‘m seeing myself in Titi sef, I can go off the radar for weeks if I want to clear my head, but not to the extent of not reaching out to my friend that we have been planning the party together.

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