Lola blushed. Peter was complimenting her looks. It was their 6th month dating anniversary, and things had been progressing quite well. Peter was different. Mature, humble and introverted. Lola had always thought she would end up with someone who matched her personality, ambitious and sometimes feisty. There was something about his character that made her fall in love. Opposites do attract. Lola was grateful that Peter had a relationship with God because it was evident in how he handled things. She never for once regretted turning Brother John down. Lola sighed at the thought of his name. John. He was arrogant and self-centred. He never asked her what God was saying about him. He assumed they were compatible because he claimed to have seen it in a vision. She didn’t have an issue with that; what annoyed her was his way of communicating it, telling everyone in church that she was his wife, chasing potential suitors away. Lola remembered how she left the church one day and never looked back. Yes, it was harsh, but she was uncomfortable in such an environment, which began affecting her relationship with God. Everyone was calling her John’s wife. She could barely say anything without someone teasing her about him. The last straw was when her Pastor reported to her parents, painting her in a bad light. She was thankful she had sensible parents, and after a heated discussion, they agreed she needed to leave the church. She had told her mum about Peter. However, her mum was not entirely convinced because he was from a different tribe. John was from her tribe, funny enough, but she was far too sane to end up with someone like him.