“Happy Birthday Obi’m” Melvin pecked his  fiancée on her forehead. He had driven a long distance to ensure he arrived early before she left for work.

Chioma blushed. Melvin was very thoughtful. She smiled when she remembered how bad things were initially, how she was sad because Melvin wasn’t trying to be romantic. Little communication here and there and many weeks of patience did the trick. Now, he was at her doorstep, holding a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers she had seen. Ah! Thank you, Jesus. Chioma said to herself.

“Thank you, baby; it means a lot to me. Please come in; let me get you something quickly before-“

“No, don’t bother. Let me drop you off at work and pick you up afterwards. I have somewhere special to take you.” Melvin smiled. Chioma made him very happy. They had met at a work meeting nearly a year ago. They worked for the same company but with different branches and usually had a joint annual meeting. Melvin was grateful that his colleague had asked him to attend the meeting on his behalf.

“That would be nice. Let me get my bag.” Chioma hurried off to her room. When she picked up her phone, her countenance changed.

10 missed calls. What is this? Her phone chimed. A message came in. She swiped up to see the message, and her eyes widened in fear. She could feel her heart thumping loudly in her chest. 

I know you are avoiding me. I still have them and plan to release the full pictures soonCall me. – Hakeem

As they journeyed to her workplace, Melvin wondered why Chioma was so quiet. She barely said a word, and when he asked her, she said she was okay. They soon arrived at her workplace, and he turned round to open the door for her.

“Obi’m?” He called out to her gently. “We are there.”

“Oh, okay, so fast.” Chioma jumped slightly when he called out to her. She alighted from the car.

“Babe, are you okay? You have been quiet since we left the house. Was it something I said?”

“No, no, I am fine. Thank you. Thank you for the flowers. I am looking forward to later today, whatever you have planned.” She smiled and hugged him, then watched as he turned the car around and drive off. Chioma heaved a sigh of relief. She was perturbed that Hakeem would call her while she was in the car, and Melvin would suspect something was off. She placed her hands on her head. Her past had finally come back to haunt her. Who will believe her? Who will she tell? What if Hakeem releases the pictures? What will happen to her career? Her reputation? Her relationship! Melvin. No, God, please! You can’t let this happen. She was panicking. How did he even get her number? She had changed numbers a few years ago, and the previous sim was barred. She didn’t even expect him to still have them. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. It was 6 years ago. She was vulnerable and spiritually immature, and she had told him to delete it, which he promised he did. After they broke up a few months later, she blocked him on all social media platforms and never heard from him until now.

Her phone buzzed just as she was getting off the elevator. She froze; it was a number she couldn’t recognise, and her True Caller app didn’t reveal a name. Shutting her office door behind her, she twisted the knob to lock it and went into her restroom to ensure no one could eavesdrop.

“Hello?” she whispered.

“Happy Birthday Mi Amor”. A familiar voice responded.

Chioma sighed. There was only one person who called her that. “Hakeem, how did you get my number?”

“Does it matter? I have it now, and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I assume you saw my text. I had tried calling earlier, but you were busy.”

“What do you want? You promised me you had deleted it. Why now? What do you want from me?” Chioma’s voice was shaky. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

“Don’t sound like that. I just want to see you. I miss you. I returned to the country a few weeks ago and couldn’t stop thinking about you and our shared memories.”

“I am engaged now, Hakeem. It was never going to work out, and you know it. You said it yourself that you never took me seriously. We had a mutual understanding about the breakup so do not patronize me. Why threaten me with the pictures if you genuinely still care about me?”

There was a knock on the door, which startled Chioma.

She peeped through the doorhole; it was her assistant.

“You have a delivery ma.” Her secretary responded.

She unlocked the door and collected the giant box. “Thank you”

“Is this you?” She unmuted the call and asked Hakeem. 

“No, it’s not Mi Amor. I would have sent you gifts, but I know you don’t like them. You are more of an acts of service girl.” He said with a flirty tone.

Chioma was irritated. “What do you want from me?” She asked again. She felt like she was in a bad dream and just needed to wake up. She ran her hand through her curly wig.

“I have told you what I want. 4pm tomorrow, Legacy Hotel. Come alone.” He hung up.

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