



Convocation was fast approaching; hence, Mayfield University was quite bubbly this morning. Lecturers strolled in and out of the conference room, some final-year students checking the notice boards for information about the ceremony, while others clustered around, making small talk- mainly about the after-graduation party.

Titi walked past the lecture theatre and heaved a sigh of relief. She and her friends had successfully scaled through and finished with excellent grades.

Bola knew her mum had a point but wasn’t ready to consider it. She stood up. ‘Mummy, I don’t want to talk about it again. I am not going; she doesn’t need me. You won’t believe that she is talking to other people but giving me the silent treatment and that’s just wrong. She needs to grow up. She was awful when we last spoke, and I also changed it for her.’ She walked towards her room.

Her mum followed. ‘Nawa! I am not trying to upset you more than you already are.’ she chuckled. ‘I just want you to consider it from another perspective. Sometimes, people project their deepest, truest emotions on their loved ones, and it’s not fair; it is wrong, and I agree with you, but this is where understanding comes into play. Now is not the time to lash out or punish her. Her silent treatment may be a cry for help, and you do not want to miss her party just because your ego is bruised.’

I thought we were going to your place!” Mena nudged her friend Daisy as the latter veered off the road.

“Change of plans; I have a surprise for you!”

“Mena stared out the window as her friend drove past Sherman Road. She had known Daisy for about 6 months, but it felt longer than that. Daisy was kind-hearted, loyal and very vocal about her faith. Mena liked her immediately, and a few months later, they became best of friends.