
Navigating female friendships


Present Day

Tinuke and her siblings bade Bimpe goodbye. It was 11 pm. Bimpe escorted them downstairs. They were true friends. The light at the hospital had gone off, so she turned on the light on her phone as she led them to the car park.

‘Is Bola going to sleep over? I overheard her discussing with her mum.’ Temi, Tinuke’s sister, asked.

‘I think she will. She doesn’t seem willing to leave Titi.’ Bimpe replied with a smile. ‘The entire experience left her quite shocked.’

‘I didn’t say she wants to date; I just meant, in case she decided to, I don’t want to be in her way. Tee, I am so sorry.’

‘I am tired of everyone apologising to me! I don’t need an apology. I need you guys to fix this!’

Titi stormed off to the bathroom. ‘I need to get ready for the party. That’s probably the only good thing in my life right now.’

‘Yes, I am’, Titi said weakly. ‘Look, Bola, I can’t talk to you right now. Please, I will call you back later. Thank you for understanding.’

‘You said you would come over this evening; we still have some things to sort out. Anyway, I don’t even have time for this mood swing. I need you to send a picture of the cake design so I can get the exact colour combination for the game cards.’

‘Okay, I will send it. Thank you. Bola’ Titi ended the call.


Convocation was fast approaching; hence, Mayfield University was quite bubbly this morning. Lecturers strolled in and out of the conference room, some final-year students checking the notice boards for information about the ceremony, while others clustered around, making small talk- mainly about the after-graduation party.

Titi walked past the lecture theatre and heaved a sigh of relief. She and her friends had successfully scaled through and finished with excellent grades.

Episode 1

‘Bola, aren’t you attending Titi’s birthday party again?’ Her mother asked. Mrs. George had an early work meeting and was amazed to see her 20-year-old daughter dressed in her regular green top and white jacket, watching TV. If there was anything Bola enjoyed, it was dressing up and spending time with her friends. Mrs George was sure her daughter did not inherit that from her.

‘I am not sure. She hasn’t been speaking to me, so I am unsure she wants me there.’  Bola said with a frown.