You are probably thinking, ‘Not another blog; why is everyone starting a blog?’ or maybe you are even asking yourself why you should continue reading this. Trust me, I understand, which is why I ended up putting this off for so long, and you are only just reading this now, nearly 5 years later.

Everyone is having a hard time. Some of us are experiencing or have experienced specific difficulties in life that are best left to imagine. Only some have the luxury of a support system or any way to dissipate the weight of these burdens. I know because I have been there. People find strength when they hear about or meet someone facing ‘their type’ of challenges.

This is where I come in. I hope to share some of these burdens with you by writing real-life inspired stories. The stories you will find here border around three significant aspects of life- Faith, friendship and love. Between these lines, I wish that you find comfort in knowing you are not alone. I also hope that somewhere in the comments section, you meet someone who gets you and can relate to the shared stories. Most importantly, I pray that by reading these stories, you find your way back to the one in whom everything began- Jesus.

For the longest time, I thought I had figured out things, that I had found my purpose or calling, and so I channelled so much energy into those things. Guess what? I felt empty afterwards. But that is all in the past now. Today, I am confident that my purpose is to know Christ and make him known.
My name is Tumi, and I am a medical doctor and a writer aside many other things I like to do. I have many stories to share, and I hope you will open your hearts and minds to reading every single one! If you are ready, please find a place that stimulates your mind, grab something to eat if you want and immerse yourself in the characters!